
Ссылки к 6 главе. Природа человека

Печатные источники на которые есть ссылки в шестой главе

1.    Kellogg & Kellogg, 1933, pp. 69, 149.
2.    Kellogg & Kellogg, 1933.
3.    de Waal, 1989, p. 36.
4.    Kellogg & Kellogg, 1933, p. 141.
5.    Fenson, Dale, Reznick, Bates, Thai, & Pethick, 1994. The information that Donald graduated from medical school (in the footnote at the bottom of the page) was a personal communication from L. T. Benjamin, September 13, 1996.
6.    Astington, 1993; Leslie, 1994; Perner, 1991; Wellman, 1990. The term "theory of mind” was first used by Premack & Woodruff, 1978. They used it to raise some interesting questions about chimpanzee cognition.
7.    Klinnert, 1984; Sorce, Emde, Campos, & Klinnert, 1985.
8.    Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1995.
9.    Pointing in humans; Baron-Cohen, Campbell, Karmiloff-Smith, Grant, & Walker, 1995. In apes: Tomasello, 1995.
10.    Terrace, 1985, p. 1022. Terrace concluded that chimpanzees can learn to use sign language words but they cannot produce genuine sign language sentences.
11.    Baron-Cohen, 1995; Baron-Cohen et al., 1995.
12.    Karmiloff-Smith, Klima, Bellugi, Grant, & Baron-Cohen, 1995.
13.    Goodall, 1986.
14.    The victor grants forgiveness: de Waal, 1989. Males attempt to monopolize a female: Wrangham & Peterson, 1996. Males take turns: Goodall, 1986, p. 443.
15.    Goodall, 1988, p. 222. Goodall said: "Hugo and I went to stand in front of the cripple. To our relief, the displaying male turned aside.” (Hugo van Lawick was the photographer who took the magnificent photos reproduced in Goodalls book.)
16.    Russell, 1993.
17.    Goodall, 1986, p. 331.
18.    Goodall, 1986, p. 506.
19.    Joshua 6:22-25.
20.    Montagu, 1976, p. 59. He cites Julian Huxley.
21.    Pinker, 1994.
22.    Goodall, 1986, p. 531.
23.    Darwin, 1871, p. 480.
24.    Archeological evidence of war: Keeley, 1996. Our prehuman heritage: Diamond, 1992b, p. 297.
25.    Wrangham & Peterson, 1996.
26.    Diamond, 1992b, p. 294.
27.    Darwin, 1871, p. 481.
28.    According to kinship theory, it would make sense for the man to give up his life if he could thereby save more than two of his children or siblings (with whom he shares 50 percent of his genes) or more than eight of his cousins (with whom he shares 12/J percent). See Pinker, 1997, pp. 398-402.
29.    Dawkins, 1976, p. 3. Dawkins subsequendy regretted having made this statement. In the Introduction to the 30th anniversary edition of The Selfish Gene (2006, p. ix), he says: "There is nothing wrong with teaching generosity and altruism, but ‘born selfish’ is misleading.”
30.    Cosmides & Tooby, 1992; Pinker, 1997, pp. 403—405.
31.    Goodall, 1986, p. 531.
32.    Приведенные здесь временные промежутки являются приблизительными оценками, основанными на моем чтении палеоантропологической литературы. Например, когда я говорю "шесть миллионов лет”, я имею в виду "шесть миллионов лет, плюс-минус пара миллионов". Теория эволюции гоминидов, изложенная в этой главе, лучше всего соответствует данным 1998 года. С тех пор история стала несколько сложнее, хотя основная концепция не изменилась.
33.    DNA shared with chimpanzees: Culotta, 2005. Shared by two species of birds: Diamond, 1992b.
34.    Holden, 1995; Torbus & Sliwa, 2002.
35.    Diamond, 1992b, p. 32; M. Harris, 1989, p. 64.
36.    Quoted in de Waal, 1989, p. 247.
37.    Joshua 10:24-26.
38.    Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1989, p. 323.
39.    Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1995, p. 256.
40.    Gould, 1980.
41.    Parker, 1996.
42.    Eibl-Eibesfeldt, 1995, p. 260-261.
43.    Diamond, 1992b, p. 229.
44.    In a paper published in the journal Medical Hypotheses (Harris, 2006b), I elaborated on my theory of human hairlessness.
45.    Diamond, 1992b, p. 43.
46.    Joshua 8:1-29.
47.    Dunbar, 1993.
48.    Joshua 5:13.
49.    Goodall, 1986, p. 579.
50.    de Waal, 1989, p. 43.
51.    Povinelli &c Eddy, 1996.
52.    Caporael, 1986.
53.    Preston, 1994.
54.    Rowe, 1994.
55.    Chagnon, 1992, p. 177.
56.    Trivers, 1985, p. 159.
57.    Sulloway, 1996, p. 61.
58.    Goodall, 1986, pp. 176-177.